Data protection and privacy policy
Doctrin is a platform provider with a medical history and communication tool.
Gävlegatan 22, 11330 Stockholm, Sweden.
Company Number: 559060-1877
Our Platform
The company’s platform is an approved medical device. All data is transmitted in an encrypted format and processed according to the Personal Data Act, the Patient Data Act and the EU Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Personal data
When you visit our website, a so-called cookie (a type of data file) is stored on your device (e.g. computer) for analysis purposes. We use cookie files to measure the traffic on the company’s website. When you visit the website, we collect certain technical information about you as a visitor, such as when and how long you have been on the website, your IP address and other general information such as the type of browser, operating system and traffic provider used. The data can be used to measure, among other things the website’s features, content and how you as a visitor found it.
The company uses the Google Analytics service to keep statistics based on the cookie files that the website collects and may share this information with third parties as required by law. Google Analytics Terms
By accepting cookies, you give your consent to the company’s use of cookie files and the analytics tool Google Analytics. If you do not agree, you can easily delete your cookies in your browser settings.
If you have privacy issues please email info@doctrin.se.
Doctrin UK Privacy Notice
Read it here.