Lakeside Healthcare rolls out Doctrin’s digital consultation platform across eight sites
Lakeside Healthcare Partnership, an NHS GP super-partnership, is rolling out Doctrin’s care navigation platform across all eight sites. The end-to-end navigation platform enables patients to be triaged and directed to the right healthcare practitioner for their needs from the outset, whether that is self-care, community pharmacy, a nurse practitioner, GP or an emergency care practitioner.
Sites that didn’t previously use a digital service – Oundle, St Neots and New Queen Street – are now providing 20% of consultations remotely after onboarding Doctrin, while Yaxley, which was already using a digital system, is providing 80% of appointments remotely.
The platform has also reduced the number of calls coming into the practices – across two of Lakeside’s practices, New Queen Street and St Neots, the number of calls coming into the practices has reduced from 6,143 a week to 4,600 – a 25% reduction.
The reliability and responsiveness of the platform has been well received by patients, resulting in a patient satisfaction score of over 90% across Lakeside sites. So far, 91% of patients said they would recommend Doctrin to a friend and 95% said they felt they were met with compassion when using the platform.
Group Lead Nurse, Lakeside Healthcare, Kerry Gardener, said:
“Doctrin has completely re-shaped the model of care at Lakeside, as the AI triage tool ensures
patients are directed to the right healthcare professional for their needs.
“This allows us to plan our workforce accordingly and avoid understaffing in areas that might have increased demand on particular days of the week.
“Doctrin isn’t just a digital platform, it’s a whole new way of working for primary care that ultimately makes the experience easier for patients. It has already earned patient trust as they can submit a request to their practice while on the go and rely on them to respond quickly.”
New remote triage and consultation platform in East Midlands – htn
East Midlands GP practices roll digital assessment platform (digitalhealth.net)
Lakeside Healthcare redefines primary care pathways with digital assessment platform (htworld.co.uk)